• filesystem
  • content addressed
  • p2p
    • will search for nearby copies of data
    • no central server
  • public

content addressed

  • every file, folder, etc… has a content identifier (CID)
    • e.g.: QmRpRyRX75cauJKMPSTHMrwJQpNCKLayQJScm29VMVZjkb
    • or bafybeibtwdweeyrgnjd2mh2aqihqwhdwwmkyyzgwm3r6p4kihhfgukhvba
  • the CID is a signature of the content
    • if you access data using a CID, you will always get exactly the same result, if the data is somewhere
    • (or no result if data is deleted everywhere)


it’s possible to define names pointing to CIDs

  • e.g. latest.orcestra-campaign.org
    • the pointer can change over time (point to a different CID)
    • thus, data behind this name can change over time
    • the name is required to update data or folders
  • we could have more names, currently we don’t


IPFS node

  • running locally
    • (or a very well connected computer)
  • connects to other peers
  • caches and / or keeps data
  • is a (local) gateway for other applications into IPFS


  • easiest way to run a local node on a laptop: IPFS Desktop
    • or on OSX: brew install --cask ipfs
  • for CLI tools: IPFS CLI (kubo)
    • or on OSX: brew install --formula ipfs (you may need to run brew link ipfs)

(it’s possible to run a node on kubo only, but slightly more complicated)

access in browser

more browser options

  • you may want to install IPFS Companion browser extension
  • ipfs://<CID> and ipns://<name> may work, but can be problematic with CIDv0 (Qm...) because of case-sensitivity

ipfsspec for Python

  • enables resolution of ipfs:// and ipns:// links in common Python data packages
  • pip install 'ipfsspec>=0.5.0'


browse current data:


CID access:

import xarray as xr

name access:


command line access

list directory

$ ipfs ls /ipns/latest.orcestra-campaign.org
QmbgNR1ZosE2dNRbca5GdqScB8pVh6yGjgG2nD5C3WT1bM - products/
QmUNLLsPACCz1vLxQVkXqqLX5R1X345qqfHbsf67hvA3Nn - raw/

read a file

$ ipfs cat /ipfs/QmQ5GpT44Hnssi4DbXPK6Z9LnYjwh3ujEJ3KPjQ45Km3qF/.zattrs
    "ProjectInvestigator": "Bjorn Stevens",
    "TimeInterval": "11:59:34 - 20:35:59",

resolve a name

$ ipfs resolve /ipns/latest.orcestra-campaign.org

(the result may of course be different in future)

add things to IPFS

ipfs add -rH --raw-leaves <some file or folder>
  • will return a CID, which can be used immediately by peers
    • peers will load data directly from your computer
  • data is still only on your computer
  • the data is reachable by CID for everyone
    • accessing it on the other side of the planet may be slow
$ ipfs add --help
  -r, --recursive            bool   - Add directory paths recursively.
  -H, --hidden               bool   - Include files that are hidden.
  --raw-leaves               bool   - Use raw blocks for leaf nodes.


Pinning a CID means that you instruct your node to:

  • get all the referenced data
  • not to delete the referenced data locally

Thus, if you want to keep some data on your machine, run

ipfs pin add <CID>


ipfs pin add --progress <CID> --name <some name to remember>
  • --progress shows some progress indicator
  • --name: a label for you, which shows up in ipfs pin ls

remote pinning

To make data available for others, it’s good to pin data on a machine wich is more constantly connected than a laptop.


Those lists are observed by IPFS nodes here on the campaign and in Hamburg, which will eventually fetch the referenced content and keep it stored.

access on levante

It’s possible to access IPFS on levante at DKRZ.

You don’t have to run your own node, but you (currently have to create a file in your $HOME):

$ cat ~/.ipfs/gateway

If you have this file, ipfsspec and Python access should work.

see also